In the light of recent developments related to the Covid-19 virus and the follow-up news conference by the Prime Minister yesterday the 10th March 2020, the Chamber of Advocates advises that in order to minimize the influx of people inside the Law Courts, lawyers are being encouraged to inform their clients not to attend sittings. This directive at the moment applies to civil cases, and is being announced in accordance with the Judiciary.
With regards to criminal cases which tend to attract a large number of people to the Courts, talk are currently ongoing, with representatives from the Judiciary and with the competent authorities for these hearings to possibly be deferred, but to date, no final decision has been taken about this. The Chamber will be issuing updates on any development in due course.
The Chamber urges all lawyers to scrupulously follow the directives regularly being issued by the Department of Health. Those lawyers who return from abroad from those countries identified by the Health Department as being at risk, are urged to submit to the quarantine measures and stay home. Those lawyers who are unable to attend court due to forced quarantine, are requested to seek deferral by application, and to inform the lawyer of the counterparty with the same request.