The Chamber of Advocates held a productive meeting with representatives of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), to discuss potential collaboration. During the meeting, both organizations explored avenues for cooperation, including knowledge exchange, training opportunities, and joint initiatives aimed at raising awareness about the importance of IP in a rapidly evolving digital and global […]
Category: News
The Chamber of Advocates recently held a meeting with BOV Corporate to discuss the challenges lawyers face when opening corporate bank accounts. During the meeting, the Chamber raised concerns about delays in the client onboarding process and emphasized the need for a smoother experience for legal professionals. Following the discussion, the Chamber requested a point of […]
The Chamber of Advocates’ Family Law Working Group has submitted a detailed response to the government’s public consultation on Family Court Reforms. Full report can be viewed through this link: Family Law Reform – COA Family Law Group’s submission
Diskors tal-President ta’ l-Kamra ta’ l-Avukati – Ftuħ tas-sena Forensi 2024-2025 Avv. Peter Fenech Eċċellenza President ta’ Malta Sur President tal-Qrati Onorevoli Ministru ta’ l-Ġustizzja Sinjuri Imħallfin u Sinjuri Maġistrati Sur Avukat Ġenerali Sur Avukat tal-Istat Sinjuri Prim’ Imħallfin Emeriti Sinjuri Imħallfin u Maġistrati rtirati Onorevoli Shadow Minister ta’ l-Ġustizzja Sinjura Kap Eżekuttiv […]
Stqarrija għall-istampa Maħruġ illum, 10 ta’ Mejju 2024 Malta u l-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tal-Unjoni Ewropea Seminar organiżżat mill-Kamra tal-Avukati bil-kooperazzjoni tad-Diviżjoni tal-Ilsien Malti fil-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tal-Unjoni Ewropea, fl-għoxrin anniversarju tal-adeżjoni ta’ Malta mal-Unjoni Ewropea – 10 ta’ Mejju 2024, Dar l-Ewropa. ———————— Diskors ta’ Dr Peter Fenech, President tal-Kamra tal-Avukati L-Unjoni Ewropeja mill-Perspettiva Maltija Grazzi […]
Stqarrija għall-istampa – Reazzjoni tal-Kamra tal-Avukati b’risposta għad-diskors tal-Prim Ministru. Il-Kamra tal-Avukati tħoss li għal darb oħra għandha toħroġ stqarrija bħala reazzjoni għad-diskors li għamel il-Prim Ministru matul il-Kungress Ġenerali tal-Partit Laburista, lbieraħ il-Ħadd 28 ta’ April 2024. Illi bid-diskors tiegħu, l-Prim Ministru reġa għamel attakk dirett fuq il-ġudikatura. Dan l-attakk sar proprju meta ġiet […]
The Chamber of Advocates is issuing this press release as a reaction to the Prime Minister’s statements made at a political event held during the course of the weekend. Whilst the Chamber of Advocates acknowledges that 4 and a half years is indeed a considerable duration for an inquiry process to be concluded, one also […]
Stqarrija għall-istampa Il-Kamra tal-Avukati fil-jiem li għaddew ħadet għarfien tad-dokument ta’ konsultazzjoni maħruġ mill-Ministeru għall-Ġustizzja u aktar kmieni illum waslet l-osservazzjonijiet lil Ministru għall-Ġustizzja. Il-Kamra tal-Avukati tinnota b’sodisfazzjon it-tnedija tal-proċess konsultattiv tar-riforma sabiex il-ġustizzja mal-vittmi tad-droga tkun aktar effettiva u tiddikjara ruħha fi qbil fil-prinċipju ma’ din ir-riforma u ma’ numru tal-proposti imressqa f’ […]
CoA – Call for Expressions of Interest for the role of Lawyer representing the Ethical Interests of the Legal Profession before the Committee for Lawyers of the Commission for the Administration of Justice. Ref: EOI 2024/001. The Chamber of Advocates is issuing an expression of interest amongst all its fully paid up members for the […]
On 11 January 2024, Hon. Mr Justice Henri Mizzi delivered an information session on how he intends to apply Chapter 12 of the Laws of Malta and the relevant subsidiary legislation including S.L. 12.09. The sessions were very well attended and Hon. Judge Mizzi explained the principles which will steer him in his work, thus […]