Il-Kamra tinnota b’sodisfazzjon illi wara diskussjonijiet u djalogu ulterjuri bejn l-On. Ministru Zammit Lewis u l-Kamra tal-Avukati, f’istqarrija aktar kmieni illejla, l-istess Ministru ikkonferma li intlaħaq ftehim, biex min nhar-it-Tnejn 16 ta’ Marzu 2020 ix-xogħol kollu fil-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja ser jieqaf kompletament ħlief għal smigħ ta’ kawżi b’urġenza jew dawk li l-ġudikant jidhirlu li huma fl-interess pubbliku. Il-Kamra tal-Avukati tirringrazzja lill-Ministru tal-kollaborazzjoni u kooperazzjoni sħiħa biex tinstab soluzzjoni effettiva fl-aħjar interess tas-saħħa ta dawk kollha li għandhom x’jaqsmu ma’ xogħol fil-Qrati tal-ġustizzja u membri tal-pubbliku li għal xi raġuni jkollhom bżonn jidħlu l-Qorti.
The Chamber of Advocates expresses its satisfaction that following further discussion between the Hon. Minister Zammit Lewis and the Chamber, in a statement earlier this evening the Minister confirmed that an agreement had been reached, pursuant to which as of Monday, 16th March 2020 all activity at the Law Courts will cease completely, with the exception of those sittings that are of an urgent nature or where judges believe that it is in the public interest for a sitting to be held. The Chamber would like to express its gratitude to the Minister for the collaboration and co-operation shown to find an effective solution in the interest of all those who are involved in working at the Law Courts and members of the public who, for one reason or another may need to visit the Law Courts.