Statement by the Chamber of Advocates

16 September 2022

Statement by the Chamber of Advocates

The Chamber of Advocates unreservedly condemns the threats addressed to Magistrate Nadine Lia in the course of performing her duties.  Such criminal behaviour, intended to influence the serenity with which a member of the judiciary should be allowed to perform this delicate function, should never be allowed to happen in a democratic country which embraces the principles of justice.

The Chamber therefore gives its full support to Magistrate Lia and to all members of the judiciary who, like her, strive to serve the best administration of justice.  The Chamber trusts that the Executive Police will take all the necessary steps to ensure that the perpetrator of this criminal act will be investigated and prosecuted according to the law.


16 ta’ Settembru 2022

Stqarrija mill-Kamra tal-Avukati

Il-Kamra tal-Avukati tikkundanna mingħajr ebda riżerva t-theddid indirizzat lejn il-Maġistrat Nadine Lia fil-kors tal-qadi ta’ dmirijietha. Tali aġir kriminali, intenzjonat biex jinfluwixxi fuq is-serenità li biha ġudikant għandu jitħalla jaqdi l-funzjoni delikata tiegħu, m’għandu qatt jiġi permess f’ pajjiz demokratiku li jħaddan il-prinċipji tal-ġustizzja.

Il-Kamra tal-Avukati għalhekk qiegħda tagħti s-sostenn sħiħ tagħha lill-Maġistrat Lia u lil ġudikanti kollha li bħalha jfittxu biss li jservu l-aħjar amministrazzjoni tal-ġustizzja. Il-Kamra tawgura li l-Pulizija Eżekuttiva tieħu l-passi kollha meħtiega sabiex min wettaq dan id-delitt jiġi investigat u prosegwit skond il-liġi.