Anti-Money Laundering Training for Lawyers

The Council of Europe’s Anti-Money Laundering body MONEYVAL published a Report in September 2019, calling on Malta to strengthen the practical application of measures to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism, to step up its efforts to investigate and prosecute money laundering and to strengthen its supervisory system.

During 2020, the Chamber of Advocates will undertake Anti-Money Laundering training for lawyers.  The training will provide participants with the opportunity to acquire a set of comprehensive skills in the field and will highlight the practical approach to Customer Due Diligence and Customer Risk Assessment, among others.

The first training session will take place on 30 January, 2020, from 2 to 5 pm (3 hours).

Venue: Chamber of Advocates Conference Hall.

The full programme may be accessed here.

Dr Malcolm Mallia and Dr Diane Bugeja will be delivering the training.

The fee will be €20 for Chamber members and €25 for non-members.
Seating capacity is limited so book early to avoid disappointment.

Bookings and payment may be done online through: