Rental Law Seminar for Lawyers

We are organising a Seminar entitled “The Private Residential Leases Act of 2019: Salient Changes”. The seminar will be delivered by Dr Kurt Xerri and is taking place on the 17th of February from 1pm – 2.30pm at the Chamber of Advocates. The seminar will cover the following topics:

Practical problems encountered in the sector
Obligation of registration including transitory provisions
Different models of Private residential Leases
Abusive clauses
Water & Electricity
Overholding by tenant
Jurisdiction of Adjudicating Panel for Private Residential Leases
Consequential amendments to Civil Code Reletting of Urban Property (Regulation) Ordinance and Criminal Code
Enforcement Procedure in case of unregistered lease

Entrance is free for all Chamber of Advocates members and €20 for non-members. To register for this event visit