Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasion – Seminar by Judge (Emeritus) Dr Silvio Meli
April 9 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
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Rhetoric is the art of persuasion! It is a multifaceted tool based on cultural, linguistic, literary and legal preparation that targets emotions, enhancescredibility, sways opinions, leads towards consensus, and stimulatesconsequent action. It is used in public speaking, writing, advertising, politics, and law. The speaker or writer shapes the perception of the listeners and readers, moves them to embrace one’s thesis and leads them to take actionaccordingly. Hence, it naturally finds ample scope in the juridical sphere – from erudite oral and written submissions, to learned judgements. At the same time, it respects the highest standards of ethical behaviour.
Silvio Meli